"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6 Bethel
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Operating Procedures (Parents' Handbook)

Class Schedule

  • 7:15 - 8:30 AM
    Early Extended Hours
  • 8:30 - Noon
    Class Time
  • Noon - 5:30 PM
    Late Extended Hours

Bethel Lutheran Preschool

4221 Boonville Road, Bryan

Tuition and Fee Information

2018-2019 School Year

We have designed our program to meet the needs of parents with a variety of busy schedules. Therefore, we also have a variety of costs depending on the number of hours per day and the number of days per week your child attends. We want you to pay only for the care you need.
You may pay your tuition fees on-line here:

Our preschool classes are from 8:30-12:00 and the costs listed below are monthly fees.

Preschool Class (8:30-12:00)$225$315$390
Early Bird (7:15-8:30)$ 50$ 60$ 75
Lunch Bunch (12:00-1:00)$ 40$ 50$ 65
Extended Care (12:00-3:00)$ 85$115$150
Extended Care (12:00-5:30)$125$165$210
  1. To calculate the cost for your child, begin with the cost of the preschool class and add to that cost any of the extended care options you may need.For a full week, 7:15-5:30, Monday through Friday, the monthly cost is $675.
  2. The afternoon Extended Care includes the fee for the Lunch Bunch. If your child stays until 3:00 or 5:30, you do not need to add the Lunch Bunch fee.
  3. Early Bird offers care from 7:15-8:30. Lunch Bunch is from 12:00-1:00 P.M.
  4. A morning and afternoon snack will be provided. If your child stays for the lunch time, you must provide their lunch.
  5. These are monthly fees and are the same each month throughout the school year regardless of school holidays (Sept.-May). The only exception is the month of August. The fee for August will be prorated to ½ of the regular monthly fee.
  6. The annual Registration/Supply Fee of $150 is paid when you enroll your child and it holds your child's spot in our program. It is non-refundable.
  7. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the cost of the program, please contact the preschool either by email at preschool@blcbcs.org or by calling Debbie Sadler at 979-485-9835 or 979-446-1578.

Bethel Lutheran Preschool -- Education in a Christian Environment