"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6 Bethel
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Operating Procedures (Parents' Handbook)

Class Schedule

  • 7:15 - 8:30 AM
    Early Extended Hours
  • 8:30 - Noon
    Class Time
  • Noon - 5:30 PM
    Late Extended Hours

Bethel Lutheran Preschool

4221 Boonville Road, Bryan

2018-2019 School Year Calendar

Aug. 20First Day of Preschool
Sept. 3Labor Day Holiday, Preschool Closed (Monday)
Oct. 8Staff Development, Preschool Closed (Monday)
Nov. 19-23Thanksgiving Holiday, Preschool Closed
Dec. 24-
Jan. 7
Christmas Holiday, Preschool Closed
Jan. 8, 2019First Day of Second Semester
Jan. 21Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Preschool Closed (Monday)
Feb. 18President's Day, Preschool Closed (Monday)
March 11-15Spring Break, Preschool Closed
April 19Easter Holiday, Preschool Closed (Friday)
May 23Last Day of Preschool

Please note:
If Bryan public schools are closed due to severe weather, our preschool will also be closed. Listen to the TV, radio stations, or the KBTX website for school closure announcements.

Bethel Lutheran Preschool -- Education in a Christian Environment